Sunday, March 29, 2009

work repurposed.

"the principle of representation states that when you serve someone else in the name of the Lord, for the glory of God, the person that you are serving becomes a representation of Jesus Christ. And even if the person doesn't appropriately appreciate you, acknowledge you, or compensate you, your labor is not done in vain....God is the ultimate destination of all your investments."

this weekend has been amazing.

saturday=church missions day. this has been the first one i have gotten the chance to be apart of and i have been blessed beyond belief. my Sunday school class did yard work. i hate yard work. so why was i blessed? because it was all for the Lord. we had the opportunity to change someones life for the better and we took hold of it. like my good friend meg (megan jones to most of us) said, it was refreshing. refreshing to be doing something for the Lord to the best of our ability. to know that that should be our attitudes day in and day out. i was really reminded of that this weekend.

sunday=great music and the cross relived. the african children's choir came to church today. HOLY MESS!! they were amazing. mom leaned over to me and said, "you can't tell me there won't be dancing in heaven." so true. i will be doing that with them one day. i can't even wait!

the cross was preached today. and it wasn't what you would normally think of. i had seen nothing like it before. it was joyful to see what Christ had done for me. it was sad to see why He did it. i feel a lot of people saw that today. i saw grown men and women crying. that is rare in the church these days. but that means God is moving.

thank you for the cross Lord and what it means to me. what You mean to me.

QUOTE: "It didn't take the cross for Christ to show his love for you. He has always loved you."

things i am thankful for:
-the cross.
-the african kids from Uganda. they are all amazing.
-amanda shankles. she is such a good friend.
-cherry 7up.
-the love of my family.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so surprised you didn't write about our tennis match :) I'm thankful for you as well. I couldn't have a greater friend. This weekend was wonderful mainly because we can just hangout and have no plans and it's still wonderful and fun. Love you, friend!
