Thursday, March 12, 2009

you can call me the professor.

i had the best sleep last night. i didn't sleep but 4 hours the night before (due to reasons unexpected), so i was extremely tired last night. well i wanted to make sure that i got some great sleep, so i took an advil p.m. I SLEPT LIKE A ROCK!! i honestly think i slept the entire night. incredible.

well i have been given a title for my internship. they have all decided to call me "the professor". why you ask? well my co-workers(Mrs. Cookie and Mrs. Latoya) are named the "power-puff girls". well if you know anything about the show(as I do because it was introduced while i was a kid) the girl's father is called professor. so we deliberated and we(more like I) decided that that would be my name. i mean i am keeping them in line all the time....

today was a very solemn day at work. one particular reason is the cause. i saw a little boy with autism today. he had a break down. it was so sad to see it. really heart breaking. i just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him the Jesus loves him.

well its only three more days until i start my trek to Costa Rica. i am so ready to get away from everything for a while. it has long been overdue.

Scripture for the day: Galatians 6
It is so hard for me to carry someone else's burdens. i mean i really like helping people. it really breaks my heart to see someone suffer, but i think i am actually afraid of abuse. i feel that they will abuse my services to them. i have seen a lot of that in my job. people just looking for handouts; but after this morning i was reminded of a passage from Romans 12. basically it talks about us as believers doing things for people regardless of their intentions. we need to show them love and grace no matter what. we just need to do what the Spirit leads us to do and in turn he will convict them of their wrong doing if it is in place. as the scripture says, he will place burning coals on their head(Daniel paraphrase).

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