Thursday, December 8, 2011


Prompt: Where did you spend money?

hmm. this seems to be a very difficult item to discuss. i never like talking about money, and truthfully i feel that the world would be a much better place if there were no currency. so, in a world where everyone rides horses and drinks coffee and sleeps till they can't sleep anymore there shall be no currency. but since there is i will now loosely talk about where i spent mine this past year.

the majority of my money went to my car. and by my car i mean what went into it. i spent a majority of my money on gasoline. why does it have to be so expensive??

but i will not take back all the memories that i hold because of all the gas money I've spent. it has carried me to see the lovely girl of mine, the many trips back home to spend time with family, the many trips to cities to minister to kids, and the many moments when i just needed to drive and spend time with the Lord. it was well spent and I'm glad the Lord has blessed me with this gift.

i also bought my first couch this year. unfortunately, this is the only piece of furniture that i have my house is empty. I'm saving up, but it might be a while. here is a picture of it with a wonderful addition added in....

i have also cherished the many times i have had the ability to buy another meal for someone else, whether this be for Landon, John, Corey, Laura, my sisters and bro, or any other random person that i feel the impression to bless. I've been blessed so why keep that to myself??

thats all i got on this post....i told you i didn't like talking about money....

until next time!

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