Thursday, June 25, 2009


why do we doubt so often? i mean, why in the world do i doubt the work of the Lord?

this week at camp has been crazy. crazy in a good way. the beginning of the week was rough. there was so much in front of the people here. they had huge barriers on their hearts. it lasted through tuesday. it killed me inside. i was moved. just like Jesus was moved and troubled because the people around him didn't understand that he was God. i guess i felt sorta the same way. these people (kids and adults that is) didn't see that he was God. and so i prayed.  i gave up my life as a sacrifice on wednesday and i want to tell you that the word of the Lord does not return void. God did a mighty work. you wouldn't believe the life change that happened. it's one of those moments where all you can say is that it was the work of the Lord. He moved. and I am so thankful.

there is this boy in my Bible Study named Trent. as soon as I saw him on Monday, I knew that God was doing something in his life.  I could tell that he wanted to get something out of him, and he just couldn't muster up the strength to confess it.  but on wednesday, God broke him. it was so amazing. i wish that everyone could have seen his heart. he poured it out. he was that little child that Jesus calls us to be in Mark 10:15. he understood that Jesus was perfect, spotless, and without blemish. He understood that Jesus loves him, and willingly gave himself up for him. he understood that without Jesus he couldn't get to be with God in heaven. all he did was thank God....over and over again.  he understood God. so amazing! and that really isn't the best part. he feels that God is calling him to preach. INSANE!! a 12 year old wants to start preaching! 

i am telling you people that God can move in great ways, so why do we doubt Him? i want to stop doing that. Psalm 9:10 says, " And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." i want to trust him better. that's what i want to change in my life right now. pray that over me.

Mood: thankful

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